Divine Intervention is an advanced energetic hands-on healing technology handed down through generations of curanderos from the ancient Mayan lineage. It can be referred to as the loudest most specific prayer that calls the forces of nature and Heaven hand-in-hand. As the Divine Source intervenes in a situation through a trained healer, the laws of larger physics come into play, by utilizing a specific dimension and hertz frequency. This creates a singularity by which a space where physical plane laws cease to exist and the electromagnetic and gravitational forces are paused. This enables the Divine Source to come through and allow the physical and spiritual to take action in the same instant to create a miracle. The possibility that the body may return to its natural state of wholeness jumps astronomically. In the DI process, when the healer splits the electric and magnetic energy holding the system together, he or she creates the opportunity for everything unlike the system to move through it. It is the miraculous release of dis-ease.
From an energetic standpoint, it is the manipulation of energy throughout all levels of the body by emanating precise frequencies and dimensions, and holding exact energy grids while calling in The God Source to intervene on behalf of the client. The client must be willing to release, forgive and let go of the issues that created the dis-ease. Once that is completed, it results in the physical manifestation or spontaneous remission of that which is devitalizing and foreign to the body’s natural state. Disease is moved from within the body to outside of the body, through dimensions or it ceases to exist altogether.
This ancient Mayan technology is very beneficial for all issues and/or dis-ease that require healing.
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