Are you ready for something new?
Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is a form of chiropractic care that takes an innovative, wellness based approach to achieving optimal spine, nerve and muscular integrity. The goal is not to diagnose or treat for pain or disease, rather it is to liberate the body/mind/spirit in its ideal expression of health and vitality.
This is achieved through an adjustment, called an entrainment, in which gentle and precise contacts are made in the upper and lower spine. These contacts initiate two waves to develop called the Respiratory (breath) and Somatopsychic (body/mind) waves. These healing waves begin to unwind the tension and stress locked in the body and initiate greater states of body awareness, allowing for the nervous system to reset and begin to reorganize to a higher state of functioning.
“The shape, tone and position of your spine determines the shape, tone and position of your life.” Donny Epstein, DC, Developer of NSA
As the client begins their journey, he/she DISCOVERs the ability to effortlessly find and release areas of tension in the body. As the tension and pain start to diminish in the body, an increase in energy and vitality in daily life begins unfolding.
The client becomes empowered through the progression of care as they are able to develop internal, self-regulating strategies to utilize areas of unresolved stress and defense physiology as fuel for TRANSFORMation. This brings the ability to express greater focus and determination in their daily life and take more consistent action in creating the life they were meant to live.
As the contracted boundaries of the false sense of self fall away and the client AWAKENs more and more to their transcendent self; they will know exactly who they are and why they are alive. Life begins to unfold from a place of joy and service for others with deep understanding of the interconnection of all life.
Greater self-awareness, greater expression of the human spirit, and conscious awakening of the relationships between body, mind, spirit and emotion are realized through this unique healing work.
“Network Spinal Analysis represents the epitome of body work; it is at the leading edge of Body/Mind/Spirit integration. This work will transform the planet.” Candace Pert, Ph.D
Dr. Candace Pert (1946-2013) was an internationally recognized neuroscientist and pharmacologist, known for discovering the opiate receptor, the cellular binding site for endorphins in the brain. Author of Molecules of Emotion.
Network Spinal Analysis is a cutting-edge spinal care system that is client-based and addresses the whole person. Research conducted at the University of California, Irvine’s Medical College shows conclusively that client’s undergoing NSA care demonstrated significant improvement in pain and stress levels. It was also discovered that they were two times more likely to initiate and sustain wellness enhancing activities. The study concluded that out of 2,818 participants, a surprising 99% of them were more than satisfied with the level of care that was provided and their long-term results.
The many benefits of NSA include:
- Decrease in acute or chronic pain
- Spinal and joint realignment
- An increase in peace, ease and comfort in your body and life
- Enhanced overall systemic function, through improved central nervous system function and increased neural efficiency
- Higher emotional wellbeing and overall quality of life
- Empowerment on your journey of self-healing, through the development of self-regulating and correcting mechanisms that allow your body to adapt to stress and maintain a healthy, well-supported spine and nervous system
- Improved somatic awareness and ability to adapt to stress
- A spine and nervous system that is more pliable, more compliant, and more at ease
The Difference
Traditional chiropractic adjustments focus on restoring the alignment of the bones or vertebra of the spine. NSA entrainments rather go to places in the spine that are ready to liberate the stored energy there, and activate the nervous system to reset and reprogram to function at a higher, more efficient level. Through reprogramming the nervous system, the brain gains awareness and access to where change is needed in the body. As a result, the stored tension is liberated and used as fuel to release existing defense physiology, and reorganize the spine and nervous system to a higher level of integrity and function. A system of outcome assessment tools are utilized to track the progress of the client undergoing care.
As clients progress with care, they commonly find while receiving an entrainment their breath will deepen, their bodies will spontaneously move and they begin to experience a heightened level of body awareness. This is a result of the tension in the spine and body being reorganized and the central nervous system reprogramming to a higher level of function. Through the process of receiving care, clients often also experience emotional releases that were underlying factors to areas of dysfunction.
Although clients may experience a difference after just one entrainment, the best results come when care is received on a regular basis over time and becomes a part of a proactive, wellness-based lifestyle.
Are you ready to explore a unique and holistic approach to health, wellness, and optimal life expression?